Road Trip

July 11, 2015

Derek (Shane), Ethelred (Dan), Grapé (Owen), Korth (Eddie), Shur Reem (Gage)

Aundair is the smallest of the Five Kingdoms and boasts a clear dichotomy between the rural farmers and its arcane researchers. Our characters are mercenaries under the employment of House Cannith. In Eberron there are 12 “Dragonmarked Houses,” each devoted to a particular trade that is aided by the powers their mark gives them. Members of House Cannith are blacksmiths and are responsible for most of this age’s technological innovations (such as lightning trains and the Warforged). The man who has hired you is named Anton d’Cannith, a tall older man with a wide brimmed hat, scruffy grey beard, and a stark white eye from some previous injury. He is a boisterous and kindly man who drinks endlessly. 

“Hello my friends. Today’s work comes from… higher up in the house. A very important shipment that was being transported here was waylaid a few miles outside of Windshire, to the West. We need you to travel there and acquire the shipment and bring it back. We’re willing to pay you much more than usual — up to thirty gold pieces each in return. I… can't tell you what's in the shipment because of blasted higher-ups,” Anton takes a large swig of his ale as he scowls, “refuse to tell me. You'll know for certain if you find a small wooden box branded with the crest of House Cannith and Orien. I just hope you can come back safely. The wilderness isn't particularly dangerous, but some force waylaid a caravan of five well trained guards.”

* * *

The trek from Fairhaven to Windshire would take approximately seven days of travel, so the party prepared as best they could and began. During their second day on the march, they came across a broken battlement from the Last War, which was slowly being swallowed by nature. There was an obvious broken cart, and Korth could hear a clear feminine scream from behind it.

“Please, help me!” she screamed, and the sound of knives sinking into flesh could be heard.

Seeking to protect this woman he rushed forward — only to find it had been a ruse. Kenku (bird men who could mimic any noise) came out of hiding and stabbed at the armored dragonborn. Our heroes, however, were not impressed, and quickly dispersed of the bird men.

While stopping at a small pond to rest and refill their water skins, the sound of a hunting horn could be heard, causing Korth and Ethelred to perk up their heads. The sound was very inexperienced, like that of a child or one who had never blown a horn before. Before our heroes could react, two orcs riding a large dire wolf appeared. One held in his arms a bagpipe, though upon further inspection, it was revealed to be a large wine skin. The orcs were drunk out of their minds, and Korth demanded that the group subdue them unharmed.

A battle ensued, and the wolf and one orc were knocked out. Shur Reem, however, slaughtered the last remaining orc, angering the party. Korth was particularly outraged, descrying the inhumanity in Shur Reem’s actions, and — in his rage — brought his armored palm down with a loud crack across his face, which resounded throughout the surrounding country.

* * *

At the end of the fifth day the party came upon a small broken house. They searched the house and considered settling down, since night was very close. Derek found a small pouch under the floorboards, containing some coin, while Korth looked around outside. He noticed a scarecrow standing erect in the fields outside, and chopped it up, clearly distressed.

The group scouted the rest of the house and decided on their sleeping arrangements. There were three small cabins, connected by a narrow deck. Korth and Ethelred would stay in the largest of the rooms, while Shur Reem and Grapé would each sleep in a room alone. Derek decided that he would sleep outside on the deck. 

Ethelred and Korth prepared for sleep, with the smaller removing the larger’s armor. Before finally settling down, the now naked dragonborn took one final sweep of the land and saw nothing.

About an hour into sleeping, Ethelred awoke, hearing the sound of scraping claws on the outside of the house. Before he could investigate, the door broke down, revealing the scarecrow from the fields. The thing was sewn together where Korth had previously chopped it up, and its eyes were a deep red. 

The group panicked, and Korth looked on in complete disbelief. After yelling, “I told you so!” he rammed through the wall, completely ignoring the door. The scarecrow looked throughout the room, noticing the small gnome. He quickly descended on him, injuring him immensely. Korth came from behind, his great sword cutting the air, and through its straw chest. The wound closed, and the creature turned towards the dragonborn. 

The two beasts clashed, and the remaining members of the party arrived to assist. The small gnome, now severely injured, made his way through the back door of the cabin, walking around to enter the fray. Finding his sword useless, Korth released a burst of fire from his jaws. He missed, and the wooden house went up in flames. Believing it a part of the plan, Shur Reem produced a spell to do the same, making the fire even greater. Korth then produced a torch, and threw it towards the animated scarecrow, hitting him squarely in the chest, and lighting him on fire.

The demonic spirit was now a ball of fire, though it continued to attack. Derek, ferocious as a beast, raged towards the creature, raining blow after blow down upon him. The creature was surprised by the human's ferocity, and was pushed lower and lower, flames raging around him, until he was completely consumed by the fire.

* * *

Our heroes fled the scene, leaving the burning house to be discovered by another soul. As they crested over the hill, revealing a sunrise, they could see Windshire in the distance. 

Original campaign diary

Aundair is the smallest of the Five Kingdoms and boasts a clear dichotomy between the rural farmers and its arcane researchers. Our characters are mercenaries under the employment of House Cannith. In Eberron there are 12 "Dragonmarked Houses", each devoted to a particular trade that is aided by the powers their mark gives them. Members of House Cannith are blacksmiths, and are responsible for most of this age's technological innovations (such as lightning trains and the Warforged). The man who has hired you is named Anton d'Cannith, a tall older man with a wide brimmed hat, scruffy grey beard, and a stark white eye from some previous injury. He is a boisterous and kindly man who drinks endlessly. 

"Hello my friends. Today's work comes from... higher up in the house. A very important shipment that was being transported here was waylaid a few miles outside of Windshire, to the West. We need you to travel there and acquire the shipment and bring it back. We're willing to pay you much more than usual - up to 30 gold pieces each in return. I...can't tell you what's in the shipment because the blasted higher-ups" Anton takes a large swig of his ale as he scowls "refuse to tell me. You'll know for certain if you find a small wooden box branded with the crest of House Cannith and Orien. I just hope you can come back safely. The wilderness isn't particularly dangerous, but some force waylaid a caravan of five well trained guards."

* * *

The treck from Fairhaven to Windshire would take approximately 7 days of travel, so the party prepared as best they could and began. During their second day on the march they came across a broken battlement from the Last War, which was slowly being swallowed by nature. There was an obvious broken cart, and Korth could hear a clear feminine scream from behind it.

"Please, help me!" she screamed, and the sound of knives sinking into flesh could be heard.

Seeking to protect this woman he rushed forward – only to find it had been a ruse. Kenku (bird men who could mimic any noise) came out of hiding and stabbed at the armored dragonborn. Our heroes, however, were not impressed, and quickly dispersed of the bird men.

While stopping at a small pond to rest and refill their water skins, the sound of a hunting horn could be heard, causing Korth and Ethelred to perk up their heads. The sound was very inexperienced, like that of a child or one who had never blown a horn before. Before our heroes could react, two orcs riding a large dire worlf. One held in his arms a bag-pipe, though upon further inspection, it was revealed to be a large wine skin. The orcs were drunk out of their minds, and Korth demanded that the group subdue them unharmed.

A battle ensued, and the wolf and one orc were knocked out. Shur Reem, however, slaughtered the last remaining orc, angering the party.

* * *

At the end of the fifth day the party came upon a small broken house. They searched the house and considered settling down, since night was very close. Derek found a small pouch under the floorboards, containing some coin, while Korth looked around outside. He noticed a scarecrow standing erect in the fields outside, and chopped it up, clearly distressed.

The group scouted the rest of the house, and decided on their sleeping arrangements. There were three small cabins, connected by a narrow deck. Korth and Ethelred would stay in the largest of the rooms, whole Shur Reem and Grapé would each sleep in a room alone. Derek decided that he would sleep outside on the deck. 

Ethelred and Korth prepared for sleep, with the smaller removing the larger's armor. Before finally settling down, the now naked dragonborn took one final sweep of the land, and saw nothing.

About an hour into sleeping, Ethelred awoke, hearing the sound of scraping claws on the outside of the house. Before he could investigate, the door broke down, revealing the scarecrow from before. The creature was sewn together where Korth had previously chopped the scarecrow up, and its eyes were a deep red. 

The group panicked, and Korth looked on in complete disbelief. After yelling, "I told you so!" he rammed through the wall, completely ignoring the door. The scarecrow looked throughout the room, noticing the small gnome. He quickly descended on him, injuring him immensely. Korth came from behind, his great sword cutting the air, and through its straw chest. The wound closed, and the creature turned towards the dragonborn. 

The two beasts clashed, and the remaining members of the party arrived to assist. The small gnome, now severely injured, made his way through the back door of the cabin, walking around to enter the fray. Finding his sword useless, Korth released a burst of fire from his jaws. He missed, and the wooden house went up in flames. Believing it a part of the plan, Shur Reem produced a spell to do the same, making the fire even greater. Korth then produced a torch, and threw it towards the animated scarecrow, hitting him squarely in the chest, and lighting him on fire.

The demonic spirit was now a ball of fire, though it continued to attack. Derek, ferocious as a beast, raged towards the creature, raining blow after blow down upon him. The creature was surprised by the human's ferocity, and was pushed lower and lower, flames raging around him, until he was completely consumed by the fire.

* * *

Our heroes fled the scene, leaving the burning house to be discovered by another soul. As they crested over the hill, revealing a sunrise, they could see Windshire in the distance.