The Flesh Weaver

January 23, 2016

Ethelred (Dan), Korth (Eddie), Derek (Shane)

Two weeks later.

The adventurers relaxed and recovered from their restless traveling, and purchased pretty much anything as they returned with the Queen to Fairhaven. Korth had plate armor fitted for him while everyone else mostly stayed in the castle learning about the Knights Arcane. After a resting period of two weeks one of the queen’s advisers of espionage gathered them together to shares the real reason they had been allowed to rest — it had taken a long time to find an airship to travel south to Xen’Drik. Caoven’s sister, called Lady Vol, was said to be in the deep jungles of Xen’Drik, a continent to the south of Khorvaire. The Titans of Prophecy were going to be teleported to Trolanport, the capital city of Zilargo, and they would wait a few days for the ship to sail. It was not possible for them to be teleported directly to Xen’Drik because there were no teleportation circles on the continent, and because there was something called the “Traveler’s Curse” which prevented teleportation to the continent.

Each of the adventurers were given a signet ring with the crest of Aundair as a symbol that they were all Knights Arcane. They also received official identification and travel papers that would allow them to travel internationally as well as to Stormreach — the only city in Xen’Drik.

As the Royal Adviser of Espionage was speaking about how everyone ought to finish up business in town, they all heard a loud boom that echoed out from beneath the castle, as well as pained screams. They all rushed to see if there was anything they could do to help. In the prisons where Caoven was being held there was a huge hole where his cell used to be. Metal was ripped apart like tissue paper and the hard brick melted in a grey slag. Two guard corpses were in the cell that (besides the armor) were just red paste on the walls. The only thing that seemed to survive the explosion was a letter, addressed to Korth.

Unsure exactly what it  meant, they left the scene and proceeded to teleport to Trolanport. They went to the enclave of House Orien in Fairhaven where the only teleportation circle was. It was a very disorientating feeling that made some vomit over the journey. They were greeted by a gnome with small tabs of medicine to quell the uneasy feelings in their stomachs. Ethelred led the way out into the streets of Trolanport, capital city of the gnome nation of Zilargo. They had written down where they were to go on the 16th of Aryth, but it was currently the 14th. One thing everyone noticed was that the door frames were a little bit too small. Some were made with “normal” sized people in mind, but just as many were so small that everyone but Ethelred had to get on their hands and knees to crawl through. The Orien worker who teleported them in said that outside they had their choice of tour-guides if they would like to see the sights of the city. He was wrong however, since there was actually only one tour-guide to choose from.

As the adventurers sauntered up to the troll, he shook their hands (everyone either grasped a fingernail or finger since he was twice as tall as Korth). He introduced himself as “Grunk” and was willing to rickshaw them around the city for just 5 gp total. They asked him why he was around there.

“Grunk family live in sewers. Me no like it down there, it stinky and there nothing to eat besides other trolls and nasty junk. Grunk find surface and the people are okay with being here.”

Ethelred knew a fair amount about trolls and quietly confirmed that trolls typically lived in the sewers underneath the city. They were also known for eating humanoids and other trolls. Korth straight up asked Grunk if he ever ate anyone.

“Grunk no like eating people. They too stringy for his taste, get in teeth bad. Pigeons are okay now that grunk on surface.”

They paid him the 5 gp and got in the rickshaw. He walked a single city block then said, “These are civil games.” On most city corners were special pavilions where small board games could be played by the populace. They ranged from chess, checkers, Connect Four, or even Guess Who. The pieces were magically enchanted to be attracted to the pedestal, meaning they behaved as if magnetized even when they were not made of metal (and also made them hydrophobic, so rain did not wear them down). They could see a few gnomes playing different games at their leisure as they passed in the wooden cart.

Grunk yelled out “Feyspire landing pad.” They arrived at a large area the size of a castle, but which was simply a flat and deserted plain of stone. Grunk explained that Thelanis (also called the Feywild) was the plane where gnomes and elves were originally from and which was a realm of unspoiled wilderness and faerie magic. The plane would become coterminous with Eberron for a period of seven years every three centuries or so. The large flat area was a sort of landing pad for a large Feyspire Castle that appeared in the exact same place when the planes were coterminous. In a few weeks the Feyspire would appear and trade would continue between the city and foreign castle.

Grunk whispered "KUNDARAK VAULTS". He explains that House Kundarak is a dragonmarked house of dwarves that manages the only large bank in Trolanport, called the Kundarak Vaults. It's a maximum security bank that is contracted to store the city's wealth because their protection is so valued and legendary. Grunk keeps his head down as they walk past, since the dwarves give him a hatred teeming look. Grunk says "DWARVES NO LIKE TROLLS. ME UNDERSTAND. MY DAD ATE A DWARF ONCE. THEY HAVE HARD ASSES."

Grunk cheers up considerably once they move past the Kundarak Vaults, and since they are now in a large park of trees and small woodland creatures that Ethelred tries to strike up conversations with. A common attraction in the parks of Trolanport are the live magical shows. The most famous (and the one currently performing) is Aethelbald the Amazing, which Grunk points at with a smile on his face. Currently he is in the middle of a show waving beams of life-force back and forth in shapes like dragons, castles and starscapes. He culminates the performance by shoving the life force in some dead bodies and causing them to fan up and down, then sucking the life out of them and doing the same with a second group of bodies to the side. Each corpse wears a mask with a happy, sad, crying or angry face. While animated they will occasionally touch their masks as part of the dance and it will instantly change before their very eyes. Ethelred explains that live necromancy and divination shows are very popular, in Zolanberg (another of the 3 cities of Zilargo) there is an entire opera operated by a single necromancer animating bodies.

The sound of cheer and the small babbling brook is overpowered by a loud metal concert on the other side of the park. Grunk says "IT BOTH LITERAL AND PUN" as he points to the roller derby in front of the performing band. Two vehicles powered by bound elementals are currently tearing themselves apart as the power metal reaches its tempo. Ethelred was never a fan so he asks Grunk to move on.

Grunk takes them from the park to an area near the docks. "THIS GRUNK'S FAVORITE LANDMARK. TROLANPORT ORCA FARM." He explains that there are no pastures of cows or other farm animals outside of the city because of the Forest Gnome's attempts to stay at one with nature. An oceanic pasture that milks orca whales for their fat-rich milk. It's not technically a farm since the whales can leave and go elsewhere if they wish, but the same population stays in the ocean just outside of the processing plant since they are fed nutrient-enriched fish when they willingly give their milk. It's wild animals to give it up willingly. The milk is sold throughout the city as organic and cruelty-free, an incredible feat of druidism melding with modern society. The orcas are all very happy and friendly, swimming up to edge of the water and making happy clicking noises at the party. Korth suppresses his urge to punch that fucker right int the bottle neck.

"THIS ALMOST CON-CONCL- TOUR OVER! I DROP YOU OFF AT FESTIVAL!" Grunk happily takes them back towards the park where Athelbald the Amazing was performing. Most of the live performers have gone, and food tents have set up as people can be heard making merry all over the park. They thank Grunk and he rickshaws away with a big smile on his face. Derek and Korth are both really interested in the food being served. They first buy some food that resemble mozzarella sticks but are in the shape of assorted Chessex dice. They also find Trolanport Truffles, which are small donut sized balls of creamy avocado rolled in dark cocao powder and sprinkles. It's a weirdly smooth and silky texture that is an acquired taste. Wanting to drink Derek goes to the bar and asks for a classic drink. The bartender gives him a Picklechaser, which is a large (large for a gnome, but normally sized shot glass for a human) shot of Trolanport vintage Whiskey, and a chaser shot of pickle juice. The drink that Korth ends up liking is "Pixie Kank". It's a drink made with orca-milk and tequila, and colored blue with pixie dust. The bartender warns them to be careful since the more one becomes drunk on Pixie Kank the more they float. People who have had hangovers caused by Pixie Kank have woken up on the ceilings before.

As they drink and party, Ethelred hears a familiar voice call out his name. It's Ethelred's sister Elizabeth & her husband (his brother-in-law) Alfred. They catch up on what's been happening and reveal that shortly after the last time they saw each other, Elizabeth and Alfred had a baby named Zeela. They stay for a few more hours but by this point it is around 9 PM and they have to get the baby home at a reasonable time. Ethelred shares with her that they are staying at "Gillie's Bed & Breakfast", which is a rather swanky bed and breakfast that are friends of the Paracelsus family. After a few more extra-large mugs of Pixie Kank (which are normal sized by human standards) they go and sleep at Gillie's. She's a nice looking woman but doesn't give a discount for anyone.

The PCs wake up to the sound of sobbing and pounding on their room's door. Opening it up it's Elizabeth, who briefly through the sobbing conveys that something took their baby. She heard Zeela crying in the night so she got up to feed her, but found some strangely hunched over figure stealing the baby in its weird hands. She said it was completely covered in black cloth so she don't know who or what it was, but did see that its hands were visible. The skin was...translucent and she could see the bones below, and it seemed to also be devoid of muscle. She and Alfred tracked it to an entrance into the sewer underneath the city, but couldn't follow since the sewers are incredibly dangerous. Ethelred vows to find and rescue his niece, waking up Korth and Derek while leaving everyone else at the Bed & Breakfast. Korth gets an idea; they all go back outside the House Orien enclave and find Grunk sleeping on his rickshaw, a half-eaten pigeon in his hand. They ask him to help guide them in the sewers, but he says that "GRUNK NO LIKE SEWERS ANY MORE. GRUNK LOVE LIVING UP HERE.". Derek asks how much money it would cost to hire him, and after some deliberation the troll says he'll do it for 8 GP. He has a look of relief as he think he's won the argument, but Derek simply pulls out 8 GP and hands them to the troll. It's entirely possible Grunk thought that 8 was way too much for them to spend, but agrees solemly to help them in the sewers.

The PCs let Grunk go first through the sewers. There was a tall wooden door ahead of them in the sewer, and a river of sewer-water to their left. Derek said they should proceed through the door, so Grunk broke down the door and brandished his wooden stick. Two trolls wearing nothing but grimy loin clothes huddled around a small fire, eating what looked like some corpses. They attacked instantly, a third popping out from the river water to their left. As the PCs and Grunk attacked the trolls, there were a few times where limbs would be cut off, but they would still attack even when separated from their main body. Grunk yelled out "BURN THEM! THEY CAN'T DIE UNLESS THEY BURN!". Korth saw this firsthand when he struck down a troll but it's wounds healed before his very eyes. Burning them with his dragon's breath and Ethelred's Acid Arrow stopped their regeneration.

Eventually they dispatched the trolls and made sure they were all sufficiently burned. Derek asked if Grunk felt bad about killing fellow trolls but he simply said "NO. TROLLS WOULD HAVE EATEN ME AND YOU. NO FEEL BAD." After exploring more of this area they sat and listened past the rushing water to see where they should go. To the southern sewers they heard soft clacking noises, and to the west they heard the sound of something walking on creaking wood. They went west towards the creaking noises. They noticed that the sewers must have been when the city used to be owned by Goblins, since Dhakaani script was written in different places on the sewer walls. Williams swam in the sewer water since he had an incredible swim speed, and found a large rectangular pool that swirled in the middle down into some drain. He swam headfirst into an Otyugh, a horrible monster that lives in sewers and eats refuse. A telepathic message was transmitted by the Otyugh that contained no real language, mostly just sharp clicking noises and an overpowering sense of hunger. Three Phase Spiders appeared from outside the walls of the sewer and attacked. They were large blue and white spiders that could phase in and out of the Ethereal plane at will.

Williams was beat up really badly by the Otyugh. It bit him with its diseased maw, and even hit him against the walls of the sewer. Korth managed to drag him out of the water as Ethelred fought the monster in plesiosaurus form, and even healed the bullywug with his dragonmark magic. However, seeing an opportunity, a phase spider leapt at Williams and bit down on his neck. Even if he had survived his throat being ripped out, the crystalline venom would have made his heart stop. Williams had been killed. Grunk brought down his great wooden club and smacked the spider into a pile of translucent remains. Ethelred ripped the eyes out of the Otyugh, causing it to die from too much blood loss at once. Korth took a few minutes to pour one out for their homie....the Bullywug Butler. Grunk ignored the somber air and yelled "OOH, TREASURE" since there were a pile of three wooden crates in a corner. Inside they found a jar of Keoghtom's Ointment (spreading one of its three uses on the skin would heal, as well as cure any poison/disease), some Potions of Greater Healing, a gem worth 50 GP, 29 GP, and a spell scroll of Zone of Deception which creates an area where no-one can say the direct truth.

They much more cautiously explored the sewers now. The death of a great friend on their minds, they were not ready for any more death. They found a wizard's body floating in the water, and found some coins as well as a potion on his body. They found out that it was a Potion of Resistance (which when drunk makes the drinker resistant to a specific kind of damage for a short time) but weren't able to figure out which damage it resisted. It was a violet purple color with grainy flecks of brown in it. Eventually they came to a large room of the sewer with metal bars preventing entry. Grunk immediately tore some off their hinges shouting "BABY!". This room was 20 by 40 feet and had a large blood pentagram drawn on the floor. In ramshackle cages around the edge of the pentagram were multiple babies and toddlers, one of which was Ethelred's niece. Arguing with each other in a strange language that sounded like gargling hot metal rods were two Dolgrue. They attacked the PCs on sight, wrenching their turgid mandibles around anyone they could find. From the ceiling came an Akleu, which rended partly through Korth's armor. Because it was undetected it was able to do serious amounts of damage. The Dolgrue dealt lots of damage, but what made them scary was that whenever they touched a PC, he felt a brief flash of pain that came from the mind of the Dolgrue, spilling outwards when the brief mental contact was made.

The Akleu was incredibly hard to damage. Later they realized that the appearance of bones and organs underneath the aberration's skin was simply an illusion, and that's why attacks didn't always deal damage. Eventually Derek was able to hack it open with his magical axe, spraying translucent goop everywhere and revealing its 16-chambered heart. The dolgrue fell shortly after that, seemingly as if they welcomed their own deaths. With Grunk's help they broke open the cages and freed the children, getting them away from the glowing pentagram. In a wooden chest nearby they found a journal belonging to some crazed wizard who called himself Mordain the Fleshweaver. Apparently he was fascinated by the Daelkyr Lords of old, and was mastering their strange magics through the manipulation of flesh. He wanted to come underneath Trolanport to have a new source of bodies to experiment on, so he sent his minions to create a teleportation circle....from the flesh of babies. Thanks to the PC's intervention that did not happen. 

Session 3: The Poison Scribe

Original campaign diary

We started the session fast-forwarding in time to two weeks after the Catastrophe of Arcanix and the PCs being knighted by the queen. Everyone's had a chance to relax and recover from all the traveling they've been doing, as well as purchase pretty much anything since they have all returned with the Queen to Fairhaven. Korth had plate armor fitted for him while everyone else mostly stayed in the Castle learning about the Knights Arcane. After a resting period of two weeks one of the queen's Adviser of Espionage gathers them all together and shares that the real reason they've been allowed to rest is because it has taken THIS long to find an airship for them to travel on. Caoven's sister (called Lady Vol) is said to be in the deep jungles of Xen'Drik, a continent to the south of Khorvaire. The PCs are going to be teleported to Trolanport the capital city of Zilargo while they wait a few days for the ship to set sail. It's not possible for them to teleport the PCs directly to Xen'Drik because a) there are no teleportation circles there so it's impossible b) there is something called the Traveler's Curse which prevents teleportation to the continent. 

Each of the PCs are given a signet ring with the crest of Aundair as a symbol that they are all Knights Arcane. They also all receive official identification/travel papers that will allow them to travel internationally as well as to Stormreach (the only city in Xen'Drik)

As the Royal Adviser of Espionage is speaking about how everyone should finish up any business in town they all hear a large boom that echoes out from beneath the castle, as well as pained screams. They all rush to see if there's anything they can do to help...but find that's not the case. In the prisons where Caoven was being held there is a huge hole where his cell used to be. Metal ripped apart like tissue paper and the hard brick melted in a grey colored slag. Two corpses of guards were in the cell that (besides the armor) were just red paste on the walls. The only thing that seemed to survive the explosion was a letter, addressed to Korth: 

Unsure exactly what this meant, they left the scene and proceeded to teleport to Trolanport. They went to the enclave of House Orien in Fairhaven where the only teleportation circle is. It's a very disorientating feeling that makes many lose their lunch over the course of a few seconds. The gnome on this side greet them with some small tabs of medicine that quell the uneasy feelings in their stomachs. Ethelred leads the way out into the streets of Trolanport, capital city of the gnome nation of Zilargo. They have written down where they are to go on the 16th of Aryth, but it's currently the 14th of Aryth. One thing everyone notices is that the door frame are a little...small. Some are made with normal sized people in mind, but just as many as so small everyone except Ethelred would have to get on their hands and knees and crawl through. The Orien worker who teleported them in says that outside they have their choice in tour-guides if they'd like to see the sights of the city. He's wrong however, since there is actually only one tour-guide to choose from.

As the PCs saunter up to the Troll, he shakes their hands (everyone either shakes a fingernail or finger since he's twice as tall as Korth). He introduces himself as GRUNK and is willing to rickshaw them around the city for just 5GP total. They ask him about...why exactly he is around here. He tells them that "GRUNK FAMILY LIVE IN SEWERS. ME NO LIKE IT DOWN THERE, IT STINKY AND THERE NOTHING TO EAT BESIDES OTHER TROLLS AND NASTY JUNK. GRUNK FIND SURFACE AND THE PEOPLE ARE OKAY WITH BEING HERE". Ethelred knows a fair amount of trolls and quietly relays that yes, typically trolls will live in sewers underneath the city. However they're also known for eating humanoids as well as other trolls. Korth strait up asks Grunk if he's every eaten anyone. "GRUNK NO LIKE EATING PEOPLE. THEY TOO STRINGY FOR HIS TASTE, GET IN TEETH BAD. PIGEONS ARE OKAY NOW THAT GRUNK ON SURFACE."

They pay him the 5 GP and get in the rickshaw. He walks a single city block then says "THESE ARE CIVIL GAMES" On most city corners are special pavilions where small board games can be played by the populace. They range from chess, to checkers, connect 4, or even guess who. The pieces are magically enchanted to be attracted to the pedestal, meaning they behave as if magnetized even when they aren't made of metal (also makes them hydrophobic, so rain does not wear them down and the games can even be played in the rain). They can see a few gnomes playing different games at their leisure as they pass in the wooden cart. 

Grunk yells out "FEYSPIRE LANDING PAD". They arrive at a large area the size of a castle, but is simply a flat plane of stone where no buildings are. Grunk explains that Thelanis (also called the Feywild) is a plane where gnomes and elves are originally from that is a realm of unspoiled wilderness and faerie magic. The plane becomes coterminous with Eberron for a period of 7 years every 3 centuries or so. A flat area the size of a large castle is a sort of "landing pad" for a large Feyspire Castle that appears in this exact place when the planes are coterminous. The time is shortly approaching (a few weeks) where the Feyspire will appear and trade can continue between the city and foreign castle. 

Grunk whispers "KUNDARAK VAULTS". He explains that House Kundarak is a dragonmarked house of dwarves that manages the only large bank in Trolanport, called the Kundarak Vaults. It's a maximum security bank that is contracted to store the city's wealth because their protection is so valued and legendary. Grunk keeps his head down as they walk past, since the dwarves give him a hatred teeming look. Grunk says "DWARVES NO LIKE TROLLS. ME UNDERSTAND. MY DAD ATE A DWARF ONCE. THEY HAVE HARD ASSES."

Grunk cheers up considerably once they move past the Kundarak Vaults, and since they are now in a large park of trees and small woodland creatures that Ethelred tries to strike up conversations with. A common attraction in the parks of Trolanport are the live magical shows. The most famous (and the one currently performing) is Aethelbald the Amazing, which Grunk points at with a smile on his face. Currently he is in the middle of a show waving beams of life-force back and forth in shapes like dragons, castles and starscapes. He culminates the performance by shoving the life force in some dead bodies and causing them to fan up and down, then sucking the life out of them and doing the same with a second group of bodies to the side. Each corpse wears a mask with a happy, sad, crying or angry face. While animated they will occasionally touch their masks as part of the dance and it will instantly change before their very eyes. Ethelred explains that live necromancy and divination shows are very popular, in Zolanberg (another of the 3 cities of Zilargo) there is an entire opera operated by a single necromancer animating bodies.

The sound of cheer and the small babbling brook is overpowered by a loud metal concert on the other side of the park. Grunk says "IT BOTH LITERAL AND PUN" as he points to the roller derby in front of the performing band. Two vehicles powered by bound elementals are currently tearing themselves apart as the power metal reaches its tempo. Ethelred was never a fan so he asks Grunk to move on.

Grunk takes them from the park to an area near the docks. "THIS GRUNK'S FAVORITE LANDMARK. TROLANPORT ORCA FARM." He explains that there are no pastures of cows or other farm animals outside of the city because of the Forest Gnome's attempts to stay at one with nature. An oceanic pasture that milks orca whales for their fat-rich milk. It's not technically a farm since the whales can leave and go elsewhere if they wish, but the same population stays in the ocean just outside of the processing plant since they are fed nutrient-enriched fish when they willingly give their milk. It's wild animals to give it up willingly. The milk is sold throughout the city as organic and cruelty-free, an incredible feat of druidism melding with modern society. The orcas are all very happy and friendly, swimming up to edge of the water and making happy clicking noises at the party. Korth suppresses his urge to punch that fucker right int the bottle neck. 

"THIS ALMOST CON-CONCL- TOUR OVER! I DROP YOU OFF AT FESTIVAL!" Grunk happily takes them back towards the park where Athelbald the Amazing was performing. Most of the live performers have gone, and food tents have set up as people can be heard making merry all over the park. They thank Grunk and he rickshaws away with a big smile on his face. Derek and Korth are both really interested in the food being served. They first buy some food that resemble mozzarella sticks but are in the shape of assorted Chessex dice. They also find Trolanport Truffles, which are small donut sized balls of creamy avocado rolled in dark cocao powder and sprinkles. It's a weirdly smooth and silky texture that is an acquired taste. Wanting to drink Derek goes to the bar and asks for a classic drink. The bartender gives him a Picklechaser, which is a large (large for a gnome, but normally sized shot glass for a human) shot of Trolanport vintage Whiskey, and a chaser shot of pickle juice. The drink that Korth ends up liking is "Pixie Kank". It's a drink made with orca-milk and tequila, and colored blue with pixie dust. The bartender warns them to be careful since the more one becomes drunk on Pixie Kank the more they float. People who have had hangovers caused by Pixie Kank have woken up on the ceilings before. 

As they drink and party, Ethelred hears a familiar voice call out his name. It's Ethelred's sister Elizabeth & her husband (his brother-in-law) Alfred. They catch up on what's been happening and reveal that shortly after the last time they saw each other, Elizabeth and Alfred had a baby named Zeela. They stay for a few more hours but by this point it is around 9 PM and they have to get the baby home at a reasonable time. Ethelred shares with her that they are staying at "Gillie's Bed & Breakfast", which is a rather swanky bed and breakfast that are friends of the Paracelsus family. After a few more extra-large mugs of Pixie Kank (which are normal sized by human standards) they go and sleep at Gillie's. She's a nice looking woman but doesn't give a discount for anyone.

The PCs wake up to the sound of sobbing and pounding on their room's door. Opening it up it's Elizabeth, who briefly through the sobbing conveys that something took their baby. She heard Zeela crying in the night so she got up to feed her, but found some strangely hunched over figure stealing the baby in its weird hands. She said it was completely covered in black cloth so she don't know who or what it was, but did see that its hands were visible. The skin was...translucent and she could see the bones below, and it seemed to also be devoid of muscle. She and Alfred tracked it to an entrance into the sewer underneath the city, but couldn't follow since the sewers are incredibly dangerous. Ethelred vows to find and rescue his niece, waking up Korth and Derek while leaving everyone else at the Bed & Breakfast. Korth gets an idea; they all go back outside the House Orien enclave and find Grunk sleeping on his rickshaw, a half-eaten pigeon in his hand. They ask him to help guide them in the sewers, but he says that "GRUNK NO LIKE SEWERS ANY MORE. GRUNK LOVE LIVING UP HERE.". Derek asks how much money it would cost to hire him, and after some deliberation the troll says he'll do it for 8 GP. He has a look of relief as he think he's won the argument, but Derek simply pulls out 8 GP and hands them to the troll. It's entirely possible Grunk thought that 8 was way too much for them to spend, but agrees solemly to help them in the sewers. 

The PCs let Grunk go first through the sewers. There was a tall wooden door ahead of them in the sewer, and a river of sewer-water to their left. Derek said they should proceed through the door, so Grunk broke down the door and brandished his wooden stick. Two trolls wearing nothing but grimy loin clothes huddled around a small fire, eating what looked like some corpses. They attacked instantly, a third popping out from the river water to their left. As the PCs and Grunk attacked the trolls, there were a few times where limbs would be cut off, but they would still attack even when separated from their main body. Grunk yelled out "BURN THEM! THEY CAN'T DIE UNLESS THEY BURN!". Korth saw this firsthand when he struck down a troll but it's wounds healed before his very eyes. Burning them with his dragon's breath and Ethelred's Acid Arrow stopped their regeneration. 

Eventually they dispatched the trolls and made sure they were all sufficiently burned. Derek asked if Grunk felt bad about killing fellow trolls but he simply said "NO. TROLLS WOULD HAVE EATEN ME AND YOU. NO FEEL BAD." After exploring more of this area they sat and listened past the rushing water to see where they should go. To the southern sewers they heard soft clacking noises, and to the west they heard the sound of something walking on creaking wood. They went west towards the creaking noises. They noticed that the sewers must have been when the city used to be owned by Goblins, since Dhakaani script was written in different places on the sewer walls. Williams swam in the sewer water since he had an incredible swim speed, and found a large rectangular pool that swirled in the middle down into some drain. He swam headfirst into an Otyugh, a horrible monster that lives in sewers and eats refuse. A telepathic message was transmitted by the Otyugh that contained no real language, mostly just sharp clicking noises and an overpowering sense of hunger. Three Phase Spiders appeared from outside the walls of the sewer and attacked. They were large blue and white spiders that could phase in and out of the Ethereal plane at will. 

Williams was beat up really badly by the Otyugh. It bit him with its diseased maw, and even hit him against the walls of the sewer. Korth managed to drag him out of the water as Ethelred fought the monster in plesiosaurus form, and even healed the bullywug with his dragonmark magic. However, seeing an opportunity, a phase spider leapt at Williams and bit down on his neck. Even if he had survived his throat being ripped out, the crystalline venom would have made his heart stop. Williams had been killed. Grunk brought down his great wooden club and smacked the spider into a pile of translucent remains. Ethelred ripped the eyes out of the Otyugh, causing it to die from too much blood loss at once. Korth took a few minutes to pour one out for their homie....the Bullywug Butler. Grunk ignored the somber air and yelled "OOH, TREASURE" since there were a pile of three wooden crates in a corner. Inside they found a jar of Keoghtom's Ointment (spreading one of its three uses on the skin would heal, as well as cure any poison/disease), some Potions of Greater Healing, a gem worth 50 GP, 29 GP, and a spell scroll of Zone of Deception which creates an area where no-one can say the direct truth. 

They much more cautiously explored the sewers now. The death of a great friend on their minds, they were not ready for any more death. They found a wizard's body floating in the water, and found some coins as well as a potion on his body. They found out that it was a Potion of Resistance (which when drunk makes the drinker resistant to a specific kind of damage for a short time) but weren't able to figure out which damage it resisted. It was a violet purple color with grainy flecks of brown in it. Eventually they came to a large room of the sewer with metal bars preventing entry. Grunk immediately tore some off their hinges shouting "BABY!". This room was 20 by 40 feet and had a large blood pentagram drawn on the floor. In ramshackle cages around the edge of the pentagram were multiple babies and toddlers, one of which was Ethelred's niece. Arguing with each other in a strange language that sounded like gargling hot metal rods were two Dolgrue. They attacked the PCs on sight, wrenching their turgid mandibles around anyone they could find. From the ceiling came an Akleu, which rended partly through Korth's armor. Because it was undetected it was able to do serious amounts of damage. The Dolgrue dealt lots of damage, but what made them scary was that whenever they touched a PC, he felt a brief flash of pain that came from the mind of the Dolgrue, spilling outwards when the brief mental contact was made. 

The Akleu was incredibly hard to damage. Later they realized that the appearance of bones and organs underneath the aberration's skin was simply an illusion, and that's why attacks didn't always deal damage. Eventually Derek was able to hack it open with his magical axe, spraying translucent goop everywhere and revealing its 16-chambered heart. The dolgrue fell shortly after that, seemingly as if they welcomed their own deaths. With Grunk's help they broke open the cages and freed the children, getting them away from the glowing pentagram. In a wooden chest nearby they found a journal belonging to some crazed wizard who called himself Mordain the Fleshweaver. Apparently he was fascinated by the Daelkyr Lords of old, and was mastering their strange magics through the manipulation of flesh. He wanted to come underneath Trolanport to have a new source of bodies to experiment on, so he sent his minions to create a teleportation circle....from the flesh of babies. Thanks to the PC's intervention that did not happen.